Friday, April 17, 2009

Pesty spring allergies!

After my spring allergies hit, i knew i might have to go to the allergist for some meds. but i REALLY hate taking pills and sprays.
so heres some ways to avoid allergens and keep youre systems clear this summer:

Keep your eyes clear.
be careful what youre touchnig and when youre touching youre eyes. you can use water to clearyour eyes out, visine, or tear free baby shampoo accroding to

Shower constantly.
remove the allergens from your body, especialy before going to sleep at night and leaving them in your sheets.

Know the pollen count: its generally said on the weather report and its not sucha shabby thing to pick up.

Choose seaside vacas:
the sea air will do you well.

Eat well:
Accodring to, omega3s like in fish contain antioxidants which particulary help with asthma

Clean filters often: if you have the AC pumping all summer, you need to get you filters cleaned so your not circulating allergens around your car or home.

Take Care!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

my future patients

When i decided a year ago that i was pretty certain i wanted to do PT, i was thinking about when I had seen a trainer, and a Pt when i was hurt in high school Field Hockey. I loved the experience at the clinic I was at and it was a large push to get me to choosing a career, Taking this class i realized that quite a lot of my patients will not be the young high school athletes who i want to help get back in the game. Instead, it will be elderly or seniors in the boomer generation who need possibly getting around their home.

At first, this made me doubt my decision. maybe i could speciale my PT towards something else... neurological etc. Or PT for animals
But after getting over the initial realization, i think i'm atually pretty excited to take it on. Of course im still going to enjoy helping injured athletes becausei sympasize with them, but theyre not going to be the only patients i get excited for. 5 more years of school?!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Dangerous Driving

As i was driving to health class, I realized that every day i put myself and other drivers at risk by some of the things i do while i drive. Why did i think of this? Why thank you for asking. that would be because i almost go pushed of Route 20 by a girl driving next to me and trying to go through me to get into the right lane. Now it's still dark out, and freezing, but she has sunglasses on, an iced coffee, and a phone in her hand.
Now after i got over it thinking about "mr. change your pants while driving." and "the make up artist" I realize that some of the things that girl did, I do as well. I text while driving, I talk on the phone, sometimes i eat, but usually i don't combine them, or do many of the much more dangerous things other people do.
this blog isnt even talking about driving under the influence, but it still is a little out there.

If I;m really striving to have a healthy body and mind, than being in a car accident really isnt going to help my situation. When it comes to Dangerous cell phone usage while drivien, about 50% of teens admit to it.
This article gives a lot of insight.
Over the last week i noticed these funny, but really stupid things done while behind the wheel.
-make up
-plucking eyebrows
-cell phone usage of all kinds.
-taking pictures with friends
-removing a sweater
-driving with elbows,
-sitting with one leg against the steering wheel
-clipping finger nails.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Even more $$ down the drain.... tobacco tax.

On april first the new tobacco tax was passed which substantially raised the price of cigarettes. On the same day a new bill was passed by the House so that all tobacco products will be regulated under the FDA. although the senate still must vote on it, the outlook looks positive to get it passed.

The price of a carton of cigarettes prelaw was around 50$ a carton, and post law is about 75$. thats a fifty percent increase from before. Although the extortionate prices are causing panic among buyers, it does not come with out a positive impact. the high prices are meant to give a great reason to many smokers to quit! Even both my parents, who have smoked for twenty years, are quitting because of this.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

new NFL rule

A new Rule by the NFL is causing controversy and having a lot of eyebrows raised towards the New England Patriots. the new rule states: "defenders on the ground can no longer tackle quarterbacks."

Its not like Brady is the first QB to ever be taken out for the season. I mean, lets remember how he got the starting position in the first place. The Reasons behind this stated was 1. for safety, and 2.) because apparently the quarterback is the only star people go to the game to see.
This Quote is from the Patriots owner Robert Kraft "...So whatever we can do to protect quarterbacks and to minimize the opportunity of them being taken out with a year-ending injury I would support....It's like going to see a great movie and the star isn't in the movie. It's the same principle."

here is the link to the article.

the article is fresh, so the poll on the bottom has about 50 new votes a minute.
but around 84% say - "this is football. not a tea dance."

Friday, March 6, 2009

Seasonal Affective Disorder.

My spirits are on an elevator with the back and forth of the nice and snowy weather.
With the days of bright sunshine, melting snow, and tiny windows of warm air, my happiness soars! I mean really, I don't care that I see brown grass... I care that I can see the grass!! I've decided that mother nature is not personally against me... everyone else must mope around and seriously consider transfering down south as well. Dont get me started on the last snowstorm.
Before I looked it up I one hundred percent believe that i suffered from Seasonal Affective Depression.

When i looked this up to see more info i realized that SAD has a lot more to it than the winter blues. A very small number of people are depressed in the Spring/Summer.

SAD affects northern territories more than southern, and it really applies to only a smaller amount of the population than i had expected... 6/100. SAD really means depression, not just moping or pouting like i tend to do.
So unexpectedly, i do not think i suffer from Seasonal Affective Depression.
Rather i think i have a seasonal mood change.

Can't wait for summer!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Music Increases Endurance!

I find that when I listen to music while running I'm more motivated to keep going longer than if i was just listening to my own gasp. How about you? a study done in late 08' that i stumbled upon yielded these same results! I had to find the article in ELY so i can only link you to the Sport discus Abstact page

In the study, 30 people ran on treadmills once while listening to uptempo contemprary rock/pop songs and once without any music a week later. For almost all the runners it showed a 15% endurance drop!
Many runners already are aware of these effects, but finally some proof ! the article from Brunel university, (England) is published in the october 08 Journal of Sport and Exercise Physiology is you want to find it on your own.

My top bands to listen to
-Minus the Bear
-Coheed and Cambria
-Brand New
-The Recieving End of Sirens

If you comment- Let me know ifyou listen to music while working out, and if so what you listen to :-)

- Anne :-D