Sunday, February 22, 2009

YMCA & other resources

I realized the other day when i was walking into work at the Westfield Y, there are a lot of classes here that i didnt know i could use before. There were AM cardio classes, circuit training classes, yoga, pilates, boot camp and more, they were at pretty flexible times as well
as for recreational PA there was the 2 pools, raquetball courts, competivite sports like badmitton, and a whole lot more than just treadmills and ellipticals.

I am a person who really does not enjoy treadmills. I mean, I am a BIG fan of Fartlek. So when the instructor told me to run through the labyrinth of hallways to grab a pamphlet and a list of other stuff around the "mansion" i was excited. this was definitely a new, fun twist to working out.

Anne :-D

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Get Some Sleep!!

How much sleep do you actually get a night? I'm not sure if college students know the definition of peace and quiet. Most of the dorms are still loud and bustling in the early morning hours. What does this mean though?

Before reading about it online, i thought that not sleeping enough would mean getting bags under your eyes, being cranky and irritable, and not having as much energy as usual. However, there are far more detrimental consequences than the aforementioned.

The article explains how not sleeping enough disrupts your bodies hormones, energy levels, metabolism leading to weight gain and other diseases like cancer.

Of course, amount of sleep varies for everyone. Some people can sleep 4 hours and function normally, others need 10. I learned in my psych class that as you get older, the mean number of hours you need to sleep lessens. Most senior citizens sleep a little under 6 hours.

In the march issue of Runner's World, I learned that if you sleep for 6 hours you have 1/2 the number of illness fighting white bloodcells than if you sleep for 8.
The last tidbit I'll leave you with pertains to many of this in our class... Athletes! RW also advises that if your working out for 30-60 minutes you produce more white blood cells, but warned that if you strenuously working out for more than 90 minutes beware that your immune system will need a day to re-cooperate.
Make sure you dont knock yourself out with the double whammy of not getting enough sleep and working out like a maniac.

<3 Anne

Friday, February 6, 2009

Healthy Valentines Day Recipes & Ideas!!

On February 14th, girls all over the country are showered with presents, candy and of course that romantic dinner for two. I admit it, in years past I'm totally guilty of going out and getting that tiramisu after dinner and completely enjoying being spoiled for the day. This year I still will enjoy being spoiled for the day, but that doesnt mean that I need to spoil my diet and exercise system. You can still stick to your diet while having a lovely time.<3>

Boys and girls: give flowers instead of candy. They're fragrant, beautiful, and will probably last the same amount of time as the chocolates! Single ladies, buy yourself flowers!

Here's another thing to think about...make a scavenger hunt for their presents! Who doesnt like adventure of searching for clues and treasure? Make em' work for it!

Here;s a site that you can go to for some awesome Valentine's day Recipes and more

Also, here's some of my own ideas for you and your significant other!

Breaky in Bed!

You can make or buy waffles/pancakes and even cut them so they're heart shaped. But here's where it get's a little healthier. If you make them by scratch, use only egg white. ( same with if you make anything with eggs) This is the good part, instead of that sugary maple syrup, use yogurt! Add some fresh fruit on top of it. Yogurt on waffles may sound weird, but give it a try! It's delicious, and a whole lot more nutricious than liquid glucose. Now I know that no one wants to cut out that wonderful dinner for two. Just because you're being healthy, doesnt mean you cant keep the romance going! If you go out, have a salad with dressing on the side (Caesar without croutons is my favourite!) It'll fill you up and still be delicious. Try to look at the healthy options, and stay away from the cheesy, delicious options. For dessert, look at something like frozen yogurt, or fat free options, maybe split it with you're partner!

Being on a diet does not mean being on lockdown from anything tasty. Don't be discouraged if you stray away every once in a while. keep your head up and get back in there!

Happy Valentines day!
