Friday, March 6, 2009

Seasonal Affective Disorder.

My spirits are on an elevator with the back and forth of the nice and snowy weather.
With the days of bright sunshine, melting snow, and tiny windows of warm air, my happiness soars! I mean really, I don't care that I see brown grass... I care that I can see the grass!! I've decided that mother nature is not personally against me... everyone else must mope around and seriously consider transfering down south as well. Dont get me started on the last snowstorm.
Before I looked it up I one hundred percent believe that i suffered from Seasonal Affective Depression.

When i looked this up to see more info i realized that SAD has a lot more to it than the winter blues. A very small number of people are depressed in the Spring/Summer.

SAD affects northern territories more than southern, and it really applies to only a smaller amount of the population than i had expected... 6/100. SAD really means depression, not just moping or pouting like i tend to do.
So unexpectedly, i do not think i suffer from Seasonal Affective Depression.
Rather i think i have a seasonal mood change.

Can't wait for summer!


  1. I didn't ever think that I had SAD, but I always noticed that I was more cheerful when spring came around. I am always happy, but during the winter, I notice that I am not my usual happy self. I am getting so excited for spring. I am so glad the snow is melting that it is slowly getting warmer outside! I just can't wait to go for walks in Stanley Park!

  2. I have always been curious if there was a true name for people who were miserable during the winter because I know a lot of people who are a lot more happy during the warmer months. I do not suffer from SAD due to the fact that I am a snowboarder and enjoy the winter. I do agree though that when the warm weather comes I am very happy because I love being about to go to the beach.
