Thursday, April 9, 2009

Dangerous Driving

As i was driving to health class, I realized that every day i put myself and other drivers at risk by some of the things i do while i drive. Why did i think of this? Why thank you for asking. that would be because i almost go pushed of Route 20 by a girl driving next to me and trying to go through me to get into the right lane. Now it's still dark out, and freezing, but she has sunglasses on, an iced coffee, and a phone in her hand.
Now after i got over it thinking about "mr. change your pants while driving." and "the make up artist" I realize that some of the things that girl did, I do as well. I text while driving, I talk on the phone, sometimes i eat, but usually i don't combine them, or do many of the much more dangerous things other people do.
this blog isnt even talking about driving under the influence, but it still is a little out there.

If I;m really striving to have a healthy body and mind, than being in a car accident really isnt going to help my situation. When it comes to Dangerous cell phone usage while drivien, about 50% of teens admit to it.
This article gives a lot of insight.
Over the last week i noticed these funny, but really stupid things done while behind the wheel.
-make up
-plucking eyebrows
-cell phone usage of all kinds.
-taking pictures with friends
-removing a sweater
-driving with elbows,
-sitting with one leg against the steering wheel
-clipping finger nails.


  1. I cannot help but agree. Just yesterday I was passed by some woman going 85 in the fast lane while doing her eye liner with her face two inches from the mirror. There was also an elderly lady driving 60 in the right lane with her poodle on her lap while eating a sandwhich. I too have been guilty of the occasional call while driving, but I could never imagine doing that many things at once and still drive. I am surprised at most of the things I see people doing, but I wonder how long it will take for someone to step in and do something, before we all get run off the road.

  2. I have to admit (as well as probably everyone else) this day in age this is going to happen. People talk, text, eat and do makeup all the time in their car, it's just the way its going to be for here on out. I alwayas use my knee for steering when I;m either eating or on the phone or both, I know it's so bad. But we do have to realize the risk we are putting ourselves and others at.

  3. This is so true. I do some of this thigns drivig and its very dangerous because your focus in other things that are not the road,you can hurt people and get them a bad day. Wake up early its good because you can do all the thigs that you do in your car at home before you go out. Good post.

  4. I am guilty of being a dangerous driver on a rare occasion and talking on the phone while driving. However, I always am under control and have had zero accidents. This blog just may be the wake up call I need to to speeding and drive more safely.

  5. I can say as a commuter i see it everyday, not that I'm an angel either. I talk on the phone, change songs on the radio and every once in a while will have the dogs in the car with me. It's not good and what I've noticed about myself is the days that I'm exhausted (got up at 4am to teach) and am on my way to school for class ( my drive is about 50 mins) I'm not alert like i usually am and it's not good. Its a problem and i don't see an easy solution for it either!
