Friday, April 17, 2009

Pesty spring allergies!

After my spring allergies hit, i knew i might have to go to the allergist for some meds. but i REALLY hate taking pills and sprays.
so heres some ways to avoid allergens and keep youre systems clear this summer:

Keep your eyes clear.
be careful what youre touchnig and when youre touching youre eyes. you can use water to clearyour eyes out, visine, or tear free baby shampoo accroding to

Shower constantly.
remove the allergens from your body, especialy before going to sleep at night and leaving them in your sheets.

Know the pollen count: its generally said on the weather report and its not sucha shabby thing to pick up.

Choose seaside vacas:
the sea air will do you well.

Eat well:
Accodring to, omega3s like in fish contain antioxidants which particulary help with asthma

Clean filters often: if you have the AC pumping all summer, you need to get you filters cleaned so your not circulating allergens around your car or home.

Take Care!

1 comment:

  1. These are all some really good things people need to take into consideration. Alot of people are the opposite and just want to take a pill to make everything better but that doesn't always work.
