Sunday, April 5, 2009

Even more $$ down the drain.... tobacco tax.

On april first the new tobacco tax was passed which substantially raised the price of cigarettes. On the same day a new bill was passed by the House so that all tobacco products will be regulated under the FDA. although the senate still must vote on it, the outlook looks positive to get it passed.

The price of a carton of cigarettes prelaw was around 50$ a carton, and post law is about 75$. thats a fifty percent increase from before. Although the extortionate prices are causing panic among buyers, it does not come with out a positive impact. the high prices are meant to give a great reason to many smokers to quit! Even both my parents, who have smoked for twenty years, are quitting because of this.

1 comment:

  1. I think this new tax is a great idea!! This is the first time i've heard about it but I hope it helps to decrease the number of people that smoke. I have a couple of friends that smoke and my sister does also so maybe this new tax will finally make them quit!
