Wednesday, April 15, 2009

my future patients

When i decided a year ago that i was pretty certain i wanted to do PT, i was thinking about when I had seen a trainer, and a Pt when i was hurt in high school Field Hockey. I loved the experience at the clinic I was at and it was a large push to get me to choosing a career, Taking this class i realized that quite a lot of my patients will not be the young high school athletes who i want to help get back in the game. Instead, it will be elderly or seniors in the boomer generation who need possibly getting around their home.

At first, this made me doubt my decision. maybe i could speciale my PT towards something else... neurological etc. Or PT for animals
But after getting over the initial realization, i think i'm atually pretty excited to take it on. Of course im still going to enjoy helping injured athletes becausei sympasize with them, but theyre not going to be the only patients i get excited for. 5 more years of school?!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you, you can do it, 5 more years, not that long, it will go by fast.
    ps. that pic of that dog is so cute!
